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To My Community:

SimplyBe. had a full content calendar for the beginning of June. I canceled everything that was previously scheduled to bring you this message instead.

The only thing I feel called to address on my personal platform and the platform of SimplyBe. is racial justice—and injustice.

I am outraged and heartbroken by the murder of George Floyd — and Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Alton Sterling, Stephon Clark, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Clifford Glover— and for all of the senseless deaths of people of color that do not make the news.

However, I recognize that this is a time not for my feelings, but for my awakening. It is a time for me as a white person to look inward at the role I play in the systemic problem of racism in America. It is time to do the hard inner work of owning my unconscious and conscious behavior, thought, action and inaction. It is time for me to do my part to create a more equal, just and safe America for the black community and all marginalized groups. It starts with me. It starts with you. One step, one action at a time.

I recognize that as a white woman with a platform, I have an obligation to do more than simply share an email like this, or re-share the current trending posts on my social media channels. I would like to instead use this as an opportunity to encourage action. Here are some of the steps I am taking and encourage my community to consider as well:

Here is one last piece of truth: talking about this topic is uncomfortable, which is precisely why I have not done so in the past. That is no longer an excuse for my complacency and my silence. Nor is the fear that as a white person I might say the wrong thing or feel awkward in saying it. We need to nonetheless embrace this work with our full dedication to doing better and being better. Not just now in this time of unrest. Not when the news cycle fades and the protests end. But forever and always. This is my commitment to the BIPOC community.

I hope you will join me.

With Humility, with Sincerity, and always, with Light,



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