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It’s been one week since another social media channel entered the arena. Meet Threads: a text-based platform that offers a new user experience in comparison to its closest competitor, Twitter.

Threads is still a budding platform, but here’s what we know:

  • Rather than a reverse chronological timeline like Twitter, Threads displays content based solely on an algorithm.
  • There’s no search function for content. You can only search specific users, not trending topics. (In other words, Meta’s algorithm is hand-picking what content you see.)
  • Threads is owned by Meta, so it ties directly to your Instagram account, and you can move seamlessly from IG to Threads by pressing the Threads badge below your name on your Instagram account page (after you create an account).
  • Content can easily be shared and displayed on profiles in-app with the repost feature.
  • Threads is a mobile-only experience. You won’t be able to use it on your computer (at least for now).
  • In less than one week, Threads amassed 100+ million users in just 5 days, making it the fastest-growing app in history.

So, what does this mean for thought leaders across industries? How can you tap into the Threads game successfully? 

Leverage your following.

Your Threads account is directly linked to your Instagram account. When creating your account on Threads, you’re prompted to follow the same accounts from your Instagram.

It’s likely that your Instagram following will migrate to Threads and follow you automatically, and it’s important to use this to your advantage—that way, you won’t be starting at square one and needing to rebuild a following.

Your identity on Instagram is intertwined with your identity on Threads. It is important to remain consistent as you venture into this new online space, especially since IG and Threads are so closely integrated. Continue to share authentic, thoughtful content that’s in harmony with the story you’re sharing on other platforms.

Use the algorithm to your advantage.

Traditionally, the algorithm favors accounts that are posting quality content frequently. Consistency will be KEY as you develop a strategy for this new platform. Accounts with high engagement get rewarded with more exposure by the algorithm, and Threads is no exception to this.

According to Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, “users need to follow enough people to get the algorithm working.” It’ll be crucial to build your community and interact with content to bring you what you want to see, and bring your content to the feeds that want to see you and you want to get in front of.

As a thought leader, it’s essential to inspire, disrupt the norm, and change your industry for the better. Share your perspective and encourage conversation, and exposure will follow. With consistent likes, comments, and reposts, more eyes will be drawn to what you have to say.

As your audience continues to interact with your content, more and more users will be drawn to your unique thoughts and perspectives, amplifying the visibility and impact of your contributions on Threads. 

Interact with your network.

The algorithm will show you content catered to what YOU interact with, and it’s likely that your audiences will be interacting with the same accounts.

It starts with thought-provoking content. Then, join the conversations in your comment sections. Create connections. Build relationships. Foster an encouraging environment where contributions to the discussion feel welcome. 

Sharing your thoughts on the posts of big names within your industry will expose you to their audiences. Turning on post notifications for these accounts and sharing your thoughts in their comment section early will attract many more eyes to your account and content than posting on your feed alone.

Be an active participant in your network—it’s a surefire way to grow, especially now, in the early days of the app. That said…

Embrace the newness.

The newness of Threads can be used to your advantage if you choose to adopt it early. After only one week, we have never been closer in exposure to some of the most well-known thought leaders. Celebrities with hundreds of millions of followers across platforms are only now gaining traction on Threads.

Establish yourself early as a trusted and respected source of information in this new space. The opportunity for growth is exponential, and it’s up to you to build your foundation.

Be timely, and share the same unique and authentic content that you share on your other channels. With new territory in which to extend your brand, Threads presents the potential for massive growth. Move fast, and take this opportunity to take root as a leader on this new platform.

Share unique thoughts. 

Threads is the perfect place to be your most authentic self. You have 500 characters at a time in which to share your thoughts and wisdom.

Share new information. Share it often. Keep it quick. Ensure that what you share is in service of others. This will foster a vibrant and engaged community where users feel encouraged to broaden their perspectives.

Honesty and authenticity are key when creating content for any platform, and Threads is no exception. Sharing quick thoughts that will resonate with your audience leaves you connected on and offline—give them bite-sized information to think about throughout their day.

Originality is a core piece of building thought leadership, and Threads could be the perfect channel for you to share your messaging clearly and concisely.

We don’t know what the future of Threads holds. It’s still in its infancy, and there are likely many updates to come. However, embracing this new platform could lead to higher exposure, new audiences, and growth (not to mention, relevancy in our digital age). 

It may seem daunting to adopt yet another new online space, but it’s important to remember that opportunities like this only come so often. Consider Threads as another opportunity to make authentic connections, educate your audience, and make an impact with your leadership.


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