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Connecting Great Minds

How clear messaging and a sharp personal brand strategy provided the platform to unlock world-changing potential.

Unlocking opportunity. That is what inspires Ladi Greenstreet. 

When Ladi came to SimplyBe, he was a top consultant at Accenture about to move from their New York offices to London and into a new role—Head of European Strategic Investments. He came to SimplyBe. seeking to position himself as an expert not only in his organization, but his industry. 

One thing about Ladi was clear from the start—his mission was bigger than his title. He sought to bridge the gap between new, innovative companies with more traditional venture capitalists, and thus create more opportunity for all involved.

Enter: The SimplyBe. Thought Leader Strategy.

Ladi sought tools and a strategy that he could then execute himself by owning his story, learning how to present himself in a succinct and strategic way, and ultimately launch himself into a global market. Ladi’s need for the foundation but the hunger to get his hands dirty and execute the work himself made him the perfect candidate for our Thought Leader Strategy product.

To kick off our work together, we hosted Ladi at SimplyBe. HQ in Chicago for a day-long, interactive working session with our team. During this day, we gleaned deep insights from Ladi and built the foundation for a customized, comprehensive personal brand identity, marketing strategy and tactical execution plan to empower him to build brand recognition and thought leadership in his industry. Net net: we learned everything we could about Ladi, and in doing so, taught him everything we know about what it takes to build a clear and consistent brand. 

The SimplyBe. team then got to work, polishing and finessing our beautiful creative mess of ideas to define Ladi’s brand identity and unique content strategy given his objectives and career trajectory.

Meet your audiences where they are.

What brings ideas together? People. And what brings people together? Events. 

To help Ladi stand out in a new market, grow his network and connect venture capitalists with innovative companies, SimplyBe. developed a fresh event strategy for Ladi to execute upon his arrival in the UK. This strategy was inclusive of unique locations and spaces, guest identification, a strategic custom calendar and event agendas catering to various objectives and guests. 

This strategy gave Ladi what he needed to become known as the bridge between these seemingly unrelated groups of people. He became a connector and networker and this gave him incredible leverage in a new market.

Ladi Greenstreet - Client Story - LinkedIn Profile

Connect (and share and promote) great minds on Linkedin.

Given his unique audiences and objectives, SimplyBe. recommended Ladi execute an in-depth LinkedIn strategy—the space where all of his desired audiences roam. We provided Ladi with a fully optimized profile and a granular social media playbook teaching him how, what, and when to post on the platform based on the intricacies of the platform and relevant best practices. As a result, Ladi could open up the strategy at any given day and know exactly what content to create to support his overarching objectives.

The sample content provided within his playbook was written with LinkedIn’s unique algorithm in mind, providing him with the tools to maximize his time and accelerate his growth on the platform.

Ladi Greenstreet - Client Story - Post

Upon working with SimplyBe. and moving to London in 2019, he was fully empowered to own his story and execute his strategy. He entered a new market with all the tools he could ever need. He has since grown into a new role—from Head of European Strategic Investments into the Head of Open Innovation for the UK and Ireland.

Unlock the only marketing tool you’ll ever need: an authentic personal brand.

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