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We’ll preach it from the mountains (or from the nosebleed section of the modern arena):

Building your personal brand online is your most powerful approach to marketing yourself and your business.

Things aren’t how they used to be. For professional and personal success, you can’t stay confined to or hide behind your company’s brand. (You are not your company.) With original, purposeful content, owned by you, you can build a personal brand from honesty and authenticity and go so much farther.

These days, personal branding is more important than ever.

As an entrepreneur, business owner, or corporate employee, working to build your personal brand is key in generating new business, making connections, and landing jobs. If you’re solely reposting content from your company, your strategies might need a revamp.

Plant the seeds and put in the work to elevate your persona into the now.

Authenticity: The Seed



Before personal branding was a widely used marketing tactic, authenticity seemed like a risky approach.  People have become adept at recognizing performative or inauthentic content. It’s crucial to maintain a genuine and honest approach.
It was as easy as curating an image, fitting the mold, and sticking to the status quo. Going with the flow is the easy way out—don’t be afraid to go against the grain.
It was as easy as morphing into the stance and perspective of your company. Opt to stand out. Again, you are not your company, and chances are your message is much more specific and unique.
It was as easy as reposting someone else’s content and calling it a day. Create your own content, share your perspective, and recount your own experiences to share value online.
Projecting a facade you think people will resonate with ≠ Genuine connection. Authenticity and truth = Genuine connection.

Authenticity is the key that unlocks the door to meaningful connections. When you show up as your true self, embracing your unique qualities, values, and experiences, you invite others to connect with the real you (and to do the same).

Consistency: The Roots



Inconsistent messaging from brands and leaders used to be common, and the previous online landscape did not warrant integrity. Brand consistency is fundamental to satisfying the human need for truth. We naturally desire transparency and authenticity. 
If you were a leader in your company, it wasn’t always necessary to be a leader outside of that space. Touch points were limited.  As a leader in your company, you must also emanate your leadership style in your other circles of influence. Your peers are watching.
Before, incongruent branding and actions wouldn’t be detrimental to success. Inconsistencies in a personal brand were less exposed and easily forgotten.  Consistency is more important than ever and conscious consumers are watching. Align your messaging, values, and behaviors in and out of the workplace, on and offline.
Misalignment between your presentation and your actions will erode trust and lead audiences to question your position. Not to mention, it’s just confusing. We seek consistency in what we hear, see, experience, and how it makes us feel. This principle holds true both in personal and professional relationships. 

Consistency is not about being robotic or rigid—it is about demonstrating integrity and staying true to your values and what you want your platform to be known for.

Adaptability: The Flower



The radio, the TV in your living room, and the newspaper on your porch used to be the only sources of information available. You can now become your OWN media channel. Individuals are serving as sources of information for audiences in every sector.
Media channels remained rigid. People could consistently turn to the same handful of sources and rely on them for their daily content, opinions, and news. The digital landscape fluctuates each and every day in the online space. It seems that there are always new platforms emerging (we’re looking at you, Threads), trends to follow, or information to consume.
The stagnant nature of media, even only 10-15 years ago, never called for flexibility and swift pivoting from platform to platform. Fluidity is a superpower in our digital world. It’s important to stay up-to-date with emerging trends and stay nimble with your content and channels.
The evolution of technology and communication channels has necessitated a shift in personal branding strategies. Clinging to outdated methods can and WILL stagnate your growth. Embrace these changing conditions with confidence. Adaptability requires experimenting with new tactics to face challenges—growth often resides beyond familiar territory.

The landscape is changing, and fast. There has never been a time with more growth in media. Resisting will limit you—it’s time to embrace change.

Build Your Personal Brand in the Now:

Build consistency across the different facets of your brand. Establish your voice and tone, clarify your messaging, and determine which stories you want to share with your audience.

Get on the platforms your audiences use. Consider the age group of your target audience and conduct some research to find what platforms they are drawn to. Make your profile an accurate representation of who you are, most authentically. Freshen up your profile photos with current headshots, create a succinct, eye-catching biography, and start sharing meaningful posts relevant to your experiences.

Post content that adds value to the lives of others. Every time you sit down to craft content, ask yourself two questions: Is it offering value to my audience via a new perspective? Is it intentional and in alignment with my overarching brand goals? When, and only when, the answer to both of these questions is “yes” should you post.

“Once you unapologetically own your story—and more importantly, share your story—your life and career become truly unstoppable.”Jessica Zweig, Founder of SimplyBe. 

Gone are the days of hiding behind your company’s message, especially as an executive leader. It’s time to step out and share your story. There is no other YOU, and acknowledging this is the first step in order to build your personal brand. No one else can offer your unique perspective. Don’t hold out on us.


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